Thursday, January 31, 2013

ENBSeries (for GTA 4) V0.082

ENBSeries (for GTA 4) V0.082

Quality: 10
Creativity: 10
Installation Instructions: 10

Overall Rating: 10

Here is the ENB Series V0.082beta which is for GTA IV, this will improve several features of the game making it look a lot more realistic including a new sky system as well as modified sky gradients, sun, clouds generator and their lighting and not only this Everything is realitme. There are also a fair few other features that this mod has as well a lot more realistic lighting and shadows from the cars / ingame objects as well as much more (look at the videos and screenshots to see more!). This will add a lot more life into the game although at the same time it will need a more powerful computer to run it unfortunately due to the improved features used.

To achieve this Boris Vorontsov mainly uses new effects, which he integrates into the games with the ENB Series mods, or sets the rendering path to a new level (from DirectX 8 to DirectX 9 for example). Among the effects he uses are diverse Blur filters, SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) and Indirect Lighting - both techniques provide better lighting and shadows. Furthermore reflections and water effects are utilized, too.

Readme File:
//ENBSeries is a set of graphical modifications for games
//Description on the web page may not be equal to this info.
//created by Boris Vorontsov

FOR NEWBIES: This version (as others, btw) is not configured to look great, run fast
or something like that, read documentation! For lazy folks here is the link to presets
from over users:

ENBSeries v0.082 Beta - graphic modification for GTA 4

WARNING! This is temporary version with some features disabled or working in wrong way.
Parameters ReflectionsForceHighPrecision and ReflectionsExtremePrecision not used any more.
Added soft particles effect, added palette texture support for enbeffect.fx (enbpalette.bmp).
Added new texture "texPalette" and "Timer" variable to effect.txt and enbeffect.fx files.
Restored color function from version 0.079. enbseries.ini is not configured.

For version 0.081 SORA: Adaptation of previous version to game patch with limited number
of effects activated. If you wish to use full power of ENBSeries, install patch
For version 0.080 SORA: Added new parameter AntialiasingUpScale for better performance of antialiasing. Effect.txt
file is now able to post process multipass effects (included have blur, sharpening and color
shift effects applied at once). In the enbeffect.fx implemented two versions of hdr tonemapping,
also it's is possible to activate game color correction (open that file and read instructions)
like brightness, contrast, saturation. Changed method of blending light, color and shadow.
For version 0.079 SORA: Added support for loading of external shaders for clouds generation and bloom.
Implemented moon. To activate moon, place files enbmoon.tga and enbmoonbump.tga in to the game
folder (tga, png, bmp files are supported). enbmoon image file must be with alpha channel.
To change stars texture, copy enbstars.tga (png, bmp) in to the game folder.
To change clouds texture, copy enbclouds.tga (png, bmp) in to the game folder.
For version 0.078b: Fixed bugs with lighting and reflection, added code for sky and clouds
External texture of clouds may be used instead of ingame procedural generator,
just place file enbclouds.bmp in to the game folder.
For version 0.077b: added support of external effect file (effect.txt) and fixed bug of dirt on some cars
For version 0.077a: adopted to use with patch and, previous
worked correctly only with patch Visit for updates, documentation and effects.
This version was tested on NVidia cards only. Quality of shadows must to be set
to High or Very High.
This modification works incorrectly with modified game folder "common\shaders",
so leave it as in the original game patched to or, overwise brightness
and over artifacts will appear. Also check out your videocard driver setting and
set them correctly as described in the documentation

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