Tuesday, January 29, 2013

ENBSeries (for GTA SA) V0.075C

Here is the ENB Series V0.075c which is for GTA San Andreas, although not the newest version of the patch this is one that is for that game, this will improve several features of the game making it look a lot more realistic including reflections, particles, lighting which will make the graphics more comparable to that of GTA IV (although the models will still be the same so an improvement but not completely as good). This will add a lot more life into the game although at the same time it will need a more powerful computer to run it unfortunately due to the improved features used.

To achieve this Boris Vorontsov mainly uses new effects, which he integrates into the games with the ENB Series mods, or sets the rendering path to a new level (from DirectX 8 to DirectX 9 for example). Among the effects he uses are diverse Blur filters, SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) and Indirect Lighting - both techniques provide better lighting and shadows. Furthermore reflections and water effects are utilized, too.

Videocard with support of Shader Model 2.0 or better. Videocards in the list below may fit:
GeForce 6100, 6150, 6200, 6600, 6800, 7300, 7600, 7800, 7900, 8500, 8600, 8800;
Radeon 9500, 9550, 9600, 9700, 9800, 300, 600, 700, 800, 850, 1300, 1600, 1800, 1900, 1950, 2400, 2600, 2900, 3850, 3870.
I can't guarantee that mod will work on all of them by many reasons (different drivers, hardware reduced versions and just because not tested myself). ENBSeries (current version) will not run at all or will not work properly if hardware by any reason not support minimal requirements of the mod. Videocards with lower shader versions capable to work in theory, but they are too slow, no sense. Videocards of new generation (DirectX10 compatible) in common cases works much faster in this mod, than their performance equivalents in DirectX9 games.
The requirements to videomemory size are very high, depends from screen resolution and antialiasing, for example without antialiasing in a mode 1024*768 it cost 64 Mb of videomemory, and for 1280*1024 106 Mb are necessary. Operative memory and processor play an insignificant role, though all should be balanced.

Mod may work incorrect with some versions of the games, impossible to test it for every game patch and for already modded games. Some types of installed game modifications may conflict with ENBSeries.

Extract files from archive in to the game directory or where game execution file exist (.exe). For some games it is in the directories named system, bin, bin32. Warning, some games needs root game directory for mod even if .exe file is not there.

After game start the mod deactivated by default, to activate it use key combination (for GTASA shift+f12 by default).

After first game start with the mod, configuration file enbseries.ini will be created, use it to modify mod setting. Warning, if configuration file will be corrupted in any way, remove it and run mod again.


EnableProxyLibrary=(0,1) load 3rd party library by the mod at game start. Helps to solve problem with multiple d3d9.dll files.
InitProxyFunctions=(0,1) connect to functions of 3rd party library.
ProxyLibrary=(filename) file name of 3rd party library.

UseEffect=(0,1) activate mod at start. In some situations HUD or startup movies may be corrupted visually because of this parameter enabled.
AlternativeDepth=(0,1) increase performance of some effects, but not all videocards can use this mode at full precision, if you see large lines on the objects, disable this parameter.
AllowAntialias=(0,1) enables antialiasing setting from game to be used in the mod effects. (antialiasing, multisampling, fsaa, in other words).
BugFixMode=(0..5) every value fixes it's own unsopported feature or bug in driver or hardware. For drivers 169.xx and 171.xx do not set this parameter to 1. Values from 0 to 5 actually HDR texture formats: 0 (R32G32F)-high quality and middle performance, 1 (R32F)-high quality and fast, 2 (A32R32G32B32F)-high quality and very slow, 3 (R16F)-low quality and fastest, 4 (R16G16F)-low quality and fast, 5 (A16R16G16B16F)-low quality and middle performance.
SkipShaderOptimization=(0,1) disables optimization when compiling shader, may help to elliminate bugs.

EnableBloom=(0,1) enables bloom effect (bright areas blurred) with time dependent adaptation. Works only if mod activated already (by key combination).
EnableOcclusion=(0,1) enables ambient occlusions (ssao) and some other effects (mod version dependent).
EnableReflection=(0,1) reflection of vehicles.
EnableMotionBlur=(0,1) blurring image in fast motion of camera. Temporary disabled.
EnableWater=(0,1) enable water effects
EnableShadow=(0,1) enable shadow effects
DepthBias=(0..1000) for scene depth rendering, offset of geometry relative camera viewpoint. For some videocards may be useful to remove flickering and hiding of ambient occlusions.

KeyUseEffect=(1..255) decimal key number for mod activation/deactivation.
KeyBloom=(1..255) decimal key number for bloom activation/deactivation.
KeyOcclusion=(1..255) decimal key number for ssao activation/deactivation.
KeyReflection=(1..255) decimal key number for reflection activation/deactivation.
KeyCombination=(1..255) decimal number of additional key for combining this key with others (SHIFT by default).
KeyShadow=(1..255) decimal key number for shadow activation/deactivation.
KeyWater=(1..255) decimal key number for water activation/deactivation.

ReflectionPower=(0..100) level of cars reflection.
ChromePower=(0..100) level of steel parts reflection. Temporary disabled.
UseCurrentFrameReflection=(0,1) when 1 use for reflection image of current frame screen, otherwise use previous frame image.
ReflectionQuality=(0..2) quality, 0 means maximal quality and slowest speed.
ReflectionSourceSpecular=(0..100) percent of using "specular" material color as reflection factor. Some car parts may be reflective with this setting.
ReflectionSourceTFactor=(0..100) percent of using "texture factor" as game environment map mix level. Some car parts may not be reflective with this parameter and on the contrary.
UseAdditiveReflection=(0,1) reflections added to screen car colors, 0 means more softly reflection.
ReflectionDepthBias=(0..1000) offset of reflection geometry relative to car and camera viewpoint. For some videocards may be useful to remove flickering and hiding of reflections.
UseLowResReflection=(0,1) use small and blurred texture as reflection, looks like matte reflection.

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